Monday, June 26, 2006

Things to do...LOTS of Things to Do...

It's 730am, Monday morning.

I am committed to spending this week trying to accomplish at least a few things on my LONG LIST of projects that I want to get done this summer.

I've been doing well at keeping my house clean, the laundry pretty much done and the dishes done :-)....but there are nooks and crannies in this house that just have stuff and I HATE THAT....

SO I AM BOUND AND DETERMINED to get at least 3 things on my LONG LIST done this week. I hate clutter and I feel like I'm surrounded by it...THAT MUST END or I may go nuts...if I'm not already there....

So off I go to do my everyday cleaning AND to tackle a project, any project...

I also want to start reading...I haven't read a book in so SOOOOOO long and Heather got me interested in this book and now I have it...I just have to start reading it. many things, so little time...

So really, I'm off to start my day and see what I get done.

Thanks to everyone who is still stopping by and thanks to everyone for your awesome comments. You guys really are awesome friends.

Until later...maybe I'll post pictures of the projects I do....


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