Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello Out There!!!!!!

I can't believe its been a month since I've blogged!!!

Everything is great here with us.

I'm potty training the little one...yes...potty training. We are going her pace. She's actually doing great.

My oldest is playing softball and loving it. The weather has been beautiful and she's enjoying spending time outside and having fun.

My allergies are KILLING ME. The doctor gave me Singular and Nasonex plus I tried some no avail. Last year Allegra worked for me so she is giving me some to see if it works again. If I can just make it to her office without my eyes closing up.

I hope you all are great. I try to visit your blogs but I only do it a couple times a month.

I'm still busy with 2 days of gymnastics, 2 days of bible study and working hard to keep a clean house and make good dinners.

I'll try to blog more often (I think I've said that before)....I miss talking to you guys regularly!

Stop in and leave a comment if you have a sec just to say hi. I'll try to do the same.

In the are some recent pics.

The Oldest...and her new favorite shirt....

The Little One

My mom and my girls