Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I lose 15 lbs.
I wish...everyone could know the joy and peace that comes from resting in the Lord...even other Christians.
I hate...when people complain and complain and complain but don't work for or offer solutions.
I am...always working to better myself...even if it's at a turtle's pace.
I brothers, sis-in-laws, neices and my nephew (whom I've haven't met yet)
I hear...Bob and Larry in the Ballad of Little Joe. (Veggietales)
I wonder...what my little one is saying most of the time. She's getting better though..i understand a lot more.
I can't imagine...being hopeless.
I regret...not sticking with one thing and getting really good at it...sports, singing, musical instruments...etc.
I am not...risky or adventurous. I'm not interested in doing anything that could result in death (sky diving, swimming with sharks, bungie jumping, etc...)
I sing...constantly...always...forever.
I everything with my girls.
I cry...usually only in front of my hubby.
I am not always...patient. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get into the mindset and I occasionally can snap at my family.
I do have...everything in life I could ever want or need.
I to travel all over the US and the world at some point with my hubby and girls.
I make...a really yummy lasagna but I don't make it often for some reason.
I write...lots of, to do, BIG PROJECT To Do's....
I confuse...corn and carrots (in name not by site). It's really wierd.
I know...the words to countless random songs...Christian songs, country songs, 80's and 90's songs, lots of oldies, even heavy metal and hard rock, rap...I love music and singing.
I should...exercise everyday but I don't...and I wonder why I'm not losing weight.
I start...exercising TODAY...I WILL, I WILL, I WILL....

I am tagging EVERYONE again. I hate picking...but specifically Jaymi and Liz.

I have no idea who has done this yet so if you haven't then DO IT! and let me know so I can read it.

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