Monday, May 22, 2006

What's Happening?

Well, for those of you that wonder what is happening in my part of the world here's a little rundown...

The play went fantastic! I spent the majority of it in the lobby of the church with the talkative and VERY LOUD toddler....But I could see through the doors and when my oldest would come onto the stage I would come in and stand in the back. She's a natural as far as I'm concerned...the best Centaur that "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" has ever seen!! :-)

I'm slowly working on potty training the little one. She has gone several times in the potty and she tells me now when she has something in her diaper.

Mother's Day was fantastic...although I didn't have my oldest with me... :-( She was with her other mom, but she gave me the most AWESOME gift and the most perfect card! My hubby gave me a dozen of the most beautiful roses on earth...the were yellowish with red on the tips of the petals...they were so pretty. We (my hubby, my youngest and my mom) went to a neat restaurant we've never been to before and I loved it. My hubby told me that the following Friday he wanted to take me out to a fancy restaurant and then we would spend our first night away from the baby...the first time away overnight in 21 months....SO....

FRIDAY NIGHT we went to a fantastic restaurant and stayed over night at an AWESOME hotel here in town...AND I MADE IT! I didn't go through withdrawal and my mom stayed with the little one and had no problems getting her to sleep or anything! Another milestone reached in our lives! AND...I had a blast...I stayed under the covers and watched TV, ordered room service and just spent time with my WONDERFUL hubby! HE TOTALLY ROCKS!

The garden is doing fantastic...I'll take pics today and post them on my Photoblog.

I AM REALLY STARTING TODAY TO LOSE WEIGHT! I weighed myself yesterday and I was 7 pounds heavier than I've that means...I gained 60lbs when I was pregnant. I lost 50lbs after I had the baby and I've gained 12 back, MY DAUGHTER IS 21 MONTHS...I cannot blame it on her anymore :-)....I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THIS...I have eaten whatever I wanted and actually, my eating habits have gotten really bad in the last few months. I have not been exercising and yet I still whine that my old clothes aren't fitting me right...SHEESH! I wonder why! Mom and I are going to start walking TODAY and will walk EVERYDAY after she gets off work. I have committed to cooking and eating healthier starting TODAY! I have 20lbs now, that I want to lose...that's NOTHING! I know! I will keep you updated on my progress.(for anyone who is interested)

Wednesday is the last day of school for my oldest. Everyday this week is a half day. I'm so excited for her to be out of school. Although she is only with us half of the week it is so much fun when she is here! I think we are going to have a really fun summer! The little one is at an age now where we can do more things with her. PRAY FOR MY OLDEST THIS WEEK PLEASE....Everyday she has exams. This is her first year with exams. (6th Grade)....She had finals at the end of her first semester(in December) and she did fantastic...I am just praying that she cans stay focused on what she is doing and can read and understand the questions clearly, and that she doesn't spend to much time on the ones she isn't sure of....I will let you know how she did when we know.

Last Tuesday she had an award ceremony where she was honored for getting the "Green" honor roll. That means she had a 3.0-3.5 for the entire year! Not bad for a 12 year old, first year of middle school, who goes back in forth between two different homes every week! THAT'S MY GIRL!! :-) We couldn't be more proud...and now I'm one of those parent with a bumper sticker that says "My child is an honor student at ___________ School!" and I'm PROUD TO HAVE IT ON MY TRUCK!!

I've been doing really well with my priorities. My house has been staying clean. Dishes done, Laundry is always ALMOST done...I rearranged our bedroom and I LOVE IT! Before I felt like it was just a room with mismatched furniture and little corners that just collected junk...NOW IT FEELS LIKE A REAL GROWN-UP bedroom! I rearranged the oldest's bedroom too and she loves it! I'm slowly doing the projects I've been wanting to do! It feels really good to get this stuff done.

So...hmmm...go over and Congratulate Christy when you have a chance...she has big news!

Liz posted a really funny thing over on her blog. I've had too much coffee this morning and I'm getting jittery. I have the water going in the garden so I imagine it's a swimming pool by now...which might not be so bad I guess!

So off I go, to work on the laundry, and the dishes, the garden....and whatever else I can think of.

Until later....

THE YOUNGEST...just counted to four...up until now it's been 1,2,1,2 but thanks to Big Bird and Journey to Ernie she just counted 1,2,3,4....she may have gone further if I didn't start cheering and kissing her! Hee was a very exciting moment!! :-)

OH YEAH....TONITE IS THE FINALE OF 24 and CSI:Miami!!!! AND THE BEST PART....They don't overlap! I can watch them both...hooray!

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