Friday, June 16, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Well....since school got out we've been so busy!

Lots and LOTS of swimming....several appointments for the oldest...the oldest started cheerleading 3 days a week for 2 hours each day...Wednesday night church started up for the summer (our church does Wednesday night classes and they are in like 6 week sessions with a few weeks between each session)....did I mention LOTS AND LOTS of swimming!

Without much detail I just want to share that yesterday was an amazing AMAZING day in the Lord! The Lord orchestrated the entire day moment by moment in a way that we couldn't have ever EVER imagined. I can't share details and I wish I could. Just that there has been a situation that has needed some resolution, and the Lord pulled EVERYTHING together yesterday beyond any of our expectations. It was a day that I believe helped my oldest daughter grow in faith just by watching the Lord could almost see HIM working before your eyes! It just drove the foundation of my faith even deeper and made me realize EVEN MORE that we fret and worry about things we have no control over...THE LORD IS IN CONTROL and can see the whole picture even when we can't. If we don't have faith that HE can do it and if we don't give our fears, hesitations, worries, and doubts over to HIM, in the end...we will try to do it ourselves and we will always fail. HE NEVER FAILS...HE can work through us if we allow HIM too....but we can't get in the way and we need to give it ALL TO HIM...not just part of it. WE HAVE TO REMEMBER that HE sees the entire picture...things we can't see and things we don't know.

ANYWAY...God is so good! I love it when HE surprises us!

On a blogger note....when I'm doing my posts I don't have the tabs at the top right that say HTML and whatever the other one is....when I type my posts it is always in the HTML way....anyone have any ideas of how to get those tabs back??????

I hope you all have a great day! We have another busy one in front of us so I better get moving (more than my fingers!)

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