Monday, February 27, 2006

My New Look UPDATE

*A little more advertising for Mandarin Design...the scrolling marquee and the writing above my profile (Psalm 121) are both courtesy of advice from this site. There is an endless supply of fun things you can do! I've been having a blast and be prepared, I will be continuing to tinker with things on my blog. Let me know what you guys think!*

Let me know how my new look looks on your computers! Let me know what you think too.

Also, I can't seem to figure out why my comments are so much lower than my name, the time, the word "link" and the pencil...any suggestions?

FIXED IT! It's almost perfect...

If you're having problems viewing some things on your screen as far as having to scroll to the left or right, change your monitor settings to 1024x768...unless you need the stuff on the screen to be really big!


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