Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lord Help Us, She's Just Like ME!

I was a very, let's say, active child. I had a multitude of mishaps, injuries and accidents. Well, you know what they say about your children paying you back for what you put your parents through....

TONITE....my beautiful, delicate angel (that's how i see her) was being silly as ever. It was bedtime and we had said our goodnights to daddy. We proceeded to her room and I laid her on the changing table, which usually evokes tears, yelling and some arching of the back and occasionally rolling over (like, on every occasion almost!) Apparently she doesn't have the time to have a diaper change and it has become a big bother to her. Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see her giggle at me, for some unknown reason, and as I smile at her she begins to turn over....i'm still unsnapping the legs on her pajamas as she makes it to all 4's and in a matter of milliseconds she hops like a frog, her little nose landing on the the wooden end of the changing table.....CRACK....I scooped her up in my arms and went running for the living room and daddy...she's crying hysterically in my arms as I sit down and we are discussing what part of her face she may have hit...that's when the blood began to run from both nostrils....i was horrified...

Now, I know these things happen and will continue to happen and she will be ok and yada yada yada...but when you look at your little child and there is blood pouring out of her nose and tears streaming from her eyes and her face is blotchy from the initial screaming...IT IS HORRIFYING

Luckily for me, my little one is a toughy...within about 2 minutes the crying had subsided and the giggling had resumed...this time at daddy. A few minutes later she began tugging at my shirt and whining a little (it was way past bedtime by now) and I wasn't ready, after such a traumatic experience, to let her go...I sat and nursed her and she fell sound asleep. I wiped her nose and cleaned her up and as she slept I buttoned her pajamas back up and after 30 min I put her down in her crib.

Needless to say, I will be in there a few times tonight, whether she cries or not, to check and make sure she can breath ok, that it's not swelling to bad etc....

This, by far, has been her worst accident to date...13 1/2 months down, 60 years to go....


Anonymous said...

Argh! That is the worst feeling ever!!!! My oldest daughter was the same way. She was so anxious about life she was walking by 11 months, on her toes (so very unsturdy). Well, she was chasing after daddy out the front door and fell forward into a corner of a wall. Dad was outside at the end of the driveway and heard the accident, came in to see me holding her with a huge puddle of blood all over her head and eyes. It was horrible! In the end she did have an ER visit and 8 stitches in her sweet little head. She has a scar, we called he piggy bank for a while. But I like to refer to her scar as an explanation mark for her personality...right smack in the middle of her forehead!

I hate to tell you this, but we have been to the ER with her at least 3 times, she's six. It has slowed down in the past few years -so there is hope.

That sweet little girl, I hope her nose gets back to being cute as a button soon.

Stephanie said...

Thanks Rebekah...I've was in the emergency room for myself several times from birth until 18 so my mom had her hands full and I think I will have my hands full too. She started walking at 9 1/2 months hasn't stopped going and going since! She climbs on everything...I only have to have my back turned for a second and she's rolling around on the couch. Her little nose seems fine though, THANK THE LORD and she doesn't seem to be hurting so I'm so grateful it wasn't worse. I'm sure over time I'll be sharing more exciting adventures with her.